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Stuttgart is my home. I was born here in 1969, grew up and live in the city centre with my husband Rolf. After my Abitur in Stuttgart-Weilimdorf, where my mother still lives today, and my studies in Tübingen and Leiden (Netherlands), as well as my doctorate, I was a member of the German Bundestag until I was elected to it. zunächst als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Hohenheim, dann als Rechtsanwalt in Stuttgart tätig.
Mit ganzer Kraft habe ich mich ab 2009 als drei Mal direkt gewählter Abgeordneter des Wahlkreises Stuttgart I (Süd) 12 Jahre lang für die Interessen und Belange der Menschen in Stuttgart eingesetzt. Das war meine Mission. Dabei war mir der enge Austausch mit den Menschen und Institutionen in meinem Wahlkreis, mit Betrieben und Vereinen stets ein großes Anliegen.
Auch nach meinem Ausscheiden aus dem Bundestag im sherbet letzten Jahres will ich Stuttgarter Themen, die mir am Herzen liegen, vorantreiben. Das betrifft insbesondere die Bereiche:

Living Space & Families

Housing is unfortunately now a noticeable problem throughout Stuttgart. But solutions that ease the market cannot simply be found at the local level. We finally need effective impulses at the federal level as well. Above all, however, we need noticeable financial relief for families. We need a flexible and sufficient supply of childcare that meets the needs of families.

Infrastructure & Transport

We need investments in rail and road, but also in bicycle and pedestrian traffic. I do not believe in playing off the modes of transport against each other. On the contrary: I stand for an ideology-free policy that takes all interests into account. We have to see digitalisation as an opportunity and at the same time not talk down the risks - e.g. in the area of work. I want 5G applications to be the first to be put into practice here.

Economy & Ecology

Socially acceptable climate policy goes through innovation and technology, not with bans. We have to take off our blinkers when it comes to sustainable ideas that also help our Stuttgart economy to cope with and shape change. Because economy and ecology - they go together perfectly. I want us to become the world market leader in green hydrogen.

Diversity & Tolerance

Mutual respect and tolerance are important to me - not origin or individual lifestyle. Stuttgart is a cosmopolitan and liberal city. That's why I want respect for different lifestyles to take hold in all parts of our society and existing disadvantages, e.g. of queer people, to be dismantled.

Safety & Cleanliness

Our coexistence only works if everyone abides by the rules. I want more visible police presence in the city and a consistent crackdown. So that families can feel safe in their district and no one has to worry if they want to be out and about in the city centre at the weekend evening. That's why I also support youth work projects that have a preventive effect.

Stuttgart - Stefan Kaufmann